Selling Your House this Year? Get it Clean.....Like Really Clean.

The weather is warming up and Spring is starting to show itself early. If you are selling your house this year(or anytime) one of the main things you can do to help yourself is get your home and property really clean. A home and property that is clean is going to sell faster and for more. If that is your goal continue reading.

Everyone has a different standard of clean. When it comes to cleanliness and how you choose to live that is your choice. But how you live in your home and how you sell your home are two different things. You want to showcase your home the best you can from day one and that will take some planning and work. How clean should it be? Your goal should be to make it look like a hotel, AirBnB, or resort. You may be able to get your home ready with a few hard days of work, but for most people it will take longer. Plan on giving yourself multiple days over at least a few weeks.

1.    Set your goals, make a plan, and then get the work done.

2.    Your home should be clean visually AND SMELL CLEAN as well. A bad smelling home can immediately turn someone off. And don't mask it with strong air fresheners, people immediately notice and think you are hiding something. Get the cleaning done! Shampoo the carpets, scrub the floors, open the windows while cleaning, get the fresh air smell.

3.    It should be clean inside and out. The moment someone pulls up to your home, set the tone. Have that great curbside appeal. Then continue that right in to the home so you can have a great first impression. Fresh bark, mow the lawn, trim the trees.

4.    De-clutter. Your home looks and smells clean....but you might have too much stuff. Take some things away and box them up in the garage. You might even need a storage unit. It's going to make your home look and feel bigger with less stuff. Not sure what to box up? There are some great interior designers/stagers that can work with what you have to get a great look going for your home.

5.    Don't like cleaning or yard work or have the time? Hire someone. The return you will see in how fast you sell your home and for how much is well worth it.

You may have the thought, "Well this is my house and I'll do what I want and live how I want!" That is totally fine. It's your choice. Just know you are leaving money on the table and your home won't sell as fast. Help yourself. Get your home and property REALLY CLEAN.