
Stephanie Castillo

Cell: (206)779-7827

Facebook: rumbleinteriors
Instagram: rumbleinteriors

Stephanie Castillo
Rumble Interiors

Hairstylist, communicator, observer, entrepreneur......Stephanie has been in a creative field her whole working career. Stephanie started Rumble Interiors as an extension of her success as a hair designer.

Design, balance, and harmony are built into everything she does. Stephanie's desire to design, whether it be a smart hairstyle or a room, comes natural. Stephanie’s passion lies in her ability to read a room and the people who live in it.

Rumble Interiors specializes in Re-Style -- taking what you already have and Re-thinking, Re-imagining and Re-styling your space. It will bring harmony and balance and a little Feng Shui to your home one room at a time. You will give a silent word of thanks as Stephanie brings contemporary comfort  to your world -- whether your vibe is glamorous or cozy.  The results reflect your world refined.
